
Affiliated and Associated Churches

Agape International Church Ministries (AICM) is affiliated with the General Council, Christian Church of Australia (CCA), which has headquarters in Adeliade Australia.

Affiliated Churches
AICM provides denominational covering for an increasing number of Pentecostal churches which share the AICM vision, mission, core values, objectives and articles of faith. These churches look to one another for mutual support and encouragement as they serve the Lord. AICM churches are located in Australia and include people from an increasingly diverse range of cultural backgrounds.

Churches become affiliated through making application to or as a result of an invitation from the Association.

Affiliated churches are provided with an official Certificate of Affiliation.

Affiliated churches are autonomous and self-governing.

Affiliated churches contribute financially to AICM in a manner determined by the Executive Board and at least annually.

Only members of affiliated churches may apply to be granted AIC ministerial credentials.

Associated Churches

AICM is in fellowship with a number of churches which do not operate under AICM and CCA denominational covering, and whose pastors may be invited to attend the annual AIC Pastors Summit and to participate in such other benefits as may be determined by the Executive Board of AICM& CCA.